welcome again to my website. if you're looking at this about page, then you really must be the kind of parasocial creep described on the homepage. oh well.
for those interested, i'm a young adult man from the united states. if you've visited the portfolio section of this site, you'll know that i spend a lot of my life immersed in the arts. i have a lot of other interests too, like fitness, spirituality, anime, philosophy, web design (go figure), and so on.
i guess let's start with what i do? at the time of writing this, i work part-time at a fast-food gas-station combo. since graduating high school, i've gone on to complete about half of an online psychology degree, and have been working for a long while to enlist in the US Air Force as an EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) technician - bomb squad. i'm doing this for a wealth of reasons, one of the biggest being to afford an in-person college education. my hope is to attend college after my service to further my education in psychology, with the end goal of becoming a licensed clinical social-worker (LCSW) or licensed professional counselor (LPC) and opening up a private practice, possibly with a focus on helping veterans. These plans may change, as I have other aspirations too, like thoughts of an artistic career and aspirations within the military, but right now that's the general idea. and please don't shame or harass me for my decision to enlist in the military. you're entitled to your opinion but keep it to yourself cause i'm insecure enough without strangers online constantly telling me i'm a shitty person. you'd be surprised how much i've gotten already.
aside from the easy stuff to explain like my career and education, i find it hard to talk about myself. i feel like we all find ourselves to be multifaceted and complicated in ways we rarely extend to other people, and in a sense that makes it difficult to put it into words - the very thing we use almost exclusively as a tool to interface with others. The notions of ourselves we have in our heads aren't always easy to communicate. to describe onesself in a truly honest way would be almost like birthing a fourth-dimensional being onto a three-dimensional plane. maybe that's what we do whenever we describes ourselves already, but as extraplanar ideas too perfect for our eyes and ears and noses and tongues and skins, we instead confuse this sublime essence of self for the same mundane, dreary, unremarkable words and concepts with which we furnish our daily conversations and messages.
aside from these crazy ramblings that avoid actually describing myself, i really do find myself to be a complicated person. some choice words others have used to describe me are cerebral, wise, funny, intense, and hard-to-read. i can more or less get behind all of these. some personal history of mine is that i've lived in a variety of places across the midwest and east coast united states, including plantation, florida - where i was born - and youngstown, ohio - where i spent my younger years. i had sort of a rough childhood at times, and spent a lot of time reading and playing games and watching tv as a young boy, maybe in retrospect as a way to help distract me from some of the harder parts of my life back then. i've had a curious and creative spark in me for as long as i can remember, and that's definitely calcified and stuck with me as what is now a core part of my identity.
in middle school i got into art and music and picked writing back up, and in high school i decided to join my school's varsity wrestling team after covid-19 subsided, and competed for 3 years, becoming a team captain in my senior year. though i never made it to the state competition, i was greatly influenced by the strong cameraderie and team environment of wrestling alongside the individual character-building parts, and i knew once i became captain that my real goal had been reached regardless of how far i went competitively. i still carry all the lessons i've learned through all of these experiences with me today. that's the thing about stuff like that. even if you forget all about it, it still sticks with you, because it isn't really what you remember about it at that point, it's who you become after the fact.
anyway, that's me. if you still haven't gotten enough, consider reading through my secret blog, which is currently pretty bare, but i'll try to keep adding to it every once in awhile when i live long enough since the last post to have something new worth writing about. i've never been big on the whole "distill your whole existence into four or five short lines of text and/or emojis" thing, so i feel like you'll get a clearer picture of me as i add to this site and you explore it.
- jerikosan, feb 14th 2025